Clear Ram Cache Windows 10 CMD

How To Clear Ram Cache Windows 10 CMD

Is your once-speedy Windows 10 PC starting to feel sluggish and unresponsive? Fret not, for we’re about to reveal a hidden secret that will turbocharge your computer’s performance! RAM cache can often be the culprit behind a sluggish system, but fear not, dear tech enthusiasts, for Tech Zones is here to save the day! 

The laptop repair specialists recommend clearing the RAM cache in Windows 10 CMD, opening Command Prompt with administrative privileges, typing “ipconfig /flushdns” to flush the DNS cache, “netsh int ip reset” to reset the IP configuration, and “netsh winsock reset” to reset the Winsock Catalog. Additionally, they recommend using Task Manager to end memory-intensive processes and consider using Windows ReadyBoost for a performance boost.

Tips to Clear Ram Cache Windows 10 CMD Commands

Before we dive into the magic of clearing RAM cache, let’s understand what it is. RAM (Random Access Memory) cache is a clever feature that Windows 10 uses to store frequently accessed data temporarily. This cache helps your system retrieve data quickly, resulting in faster performance and smoother multitasking. However, over time, the cache can become cluttered, leading to potential memory bottlenecks and slowing down your PC’s response time. By clearing the RAM cache, you’ll free up valuable memory space and allow your computer to run at peak efficiency once again.

The Command Prompt Approach

  • Opening Command Prompt

To clear the RAM cache using CMD, press “Windows + X” and select “Windows Terminal (Admin)” or “Command Prompt (Admin).” This will open Command Prompt with administrative privileges, essential for performing certain actions. 

  • Clearing RAM Cache

In Command Prompt, type “ipconfig /flushdns” and press Enter. This command flushes the DNS cache, which can help improve network performance. Next, type “netsh int ip reset” and press Enter to reset the IP configuration. This can resolve network-related issues and free up some memory. Lastly, type “netsh winsock reset” and hit Enter to reset the Winsock Catalog, another action that can enhance network performance. These are some of the best cmd commands to fix slow pc.

Leveraging Task Manager

  • Opening Task Manager

Press “Ctrl + Shift + Esc” to launch Task Manager quickly. Alternatively, right-click on the taskbar and select “Task Manager.”

  • Identifying RAM-Intensive Processes

In Task Manager, head to the “Processes” tab and identify any memory-intensive applications or background processes. Select the culprit processes and click “End Task” to free up memory resources.

  • Using Resource Monitor

For a detailed analysis, click on “Open Resource Monitor” at the bottom of the Task Manager window. The Resource Monitor provides real-time data on CPU, Memory, Disk, and Network usage. Look for processes with high “Hard Faults/sec” values, as these indicate memory-related bottlenecks. End any unnecessary processes causing excessive memory usage.

The Beauty of Windows ReadyBoost

Take advantage of Windows ReadyBoost, a nifty feature that uses external storage devices (like USB drives) as an additional cache for your RAM. Insert a compatible USB drive, right-click on it, and select “Properties.” In the “ReadyBoost” tab, choose “Use this device” and set the amount of space you wish to allocate as cache memory. Click “Apply” and “OK” to activate ReadyBoost and experience a noticeable boost in performance.

At TechZones, we can help you with all your computer concerns. Whether it is the RAM that is causing issues or any other hardware-related issues, you can come to us with confidence.


Congratulations, tech enthusiasts of Tech Zones computer Repair Shop! You’re now equipped with the knowledge to clear the RAM cache in Windows 10 CMD like a true tech ninja. By utilizing Command Prompt, Task Manager, and the magic of ReadyBoost, you can revitalize your PC’s performance and enjoy a seamless computing experience once more. Wave goodbye to sluggishness and embrace the thrill of speed and efficiency. So, gear up and clear the path to a smoother and faster computing journey! Happy computing!

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