fix slow PC using Command Prompt

How to Fix a Slow PC Using Command Prompt: A Step-by-Step Guide

A slow PC can be frustrating and hinder productivity. There are several reasons why a computer may experience sluggishness, such as malware infections, excessive startup programs, disk fragmentation, and outdated drivers. To fix a slow PC using Command Prompt, you can follow these steps. Using Command Prompt, you can fix a slow PC by performing the following steps:

  • Run “chkdsk” command to check for disk errors and fix them.
  • Execute “sfc /scannow” to scan and repair system file integrity.
  • Utilize “defrag” command to defragment the hard drive and optimize performance.
  • Disable unnecessary startup programs by running “msconfig” command to improve boot time and overall speed.

Now let’s delve deeper into fixing a slow PC using the Command prompt:

Understanding Command Prompt

Command Prompt is a command-line interpreter in Windows that allows users to interact with the operating system through text-based commands. It provides direct access to various system tools and utilities, offering greater control and flexibility in troubleshooting. Command Prompt is especially useful for resolving issues that are not easily addressed through graphical user interfaces.

Identifying the Causes of a Slow PC

Before diving into Command Prompt solutions, it’s essential to identify the underlying causes of a slow PC. This involves checking system specifications, scanning for malware or viruses, analyzing startup programs and services, evaluating disk space and fragmentation, and verifying driver issues or conflicts. By understanding these factors, we can target specific areas for improvement.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing a Slow PC Using Command Prompt:

  1. Opening Command Prompt as an Administrator: To access advanced functionality, it’s important to launch Command Prompt with administrative privileges. Right-click on the Start menu and select “Command Prompt (Admin)” or “Windows PowerShell (Admin).”
  2. Running System File Checker (SFC) Scan: System File Checker is a built-in Windows utility that scans for corrupted system files and attempts to repair them. In Command Prompt, enter the command “sfc /scannow” and let the scan complete. The results will indicate any repaired or unresolved issues.
  3. Running the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) Tool: DISM is another powerful tool that can fix system corruption and component store problems. Enter the command “dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth” in Command Prompt. The tool will check for corrupted files and replace them if necessary.
  4. Clearing Temporary Files and Folders: Temporary files can accumulate over time and consume valuable disk space, potentially slowing down your PC. To clear them using Command Prompt, enter the command “del /q/f/s %TEMP%*.” This will delete all temporary files and folders.
  5. Disabling Unnecessary Startup Programs and Services: Many applications and services launch automatically during startup, consuming system resources. Command Prompt can help disable unnecessary ones. Use the command “msconfig” to access the System Configuration utility, navigate to the “Startup” tab, and uncheck the programs you want to disable. Use the command “services.msc” to manage and turn off unwanted services.
  6. Checking and Repairing Disk Errors: Disk errors can contribute to a slow PC. Command Prompt provides commands to check and repair these errors. Enter “chkdsk /f /r” in Command Prompt, which will scan the disk for errors and attempt to fix them.
  7. Updating Drivers: Outdated or incompatible drivers can impact system performance. Command Prompt offers commands to update drivers automatically. Use the command “devmgmt.msc” to open the Device Manager, right-click on a device, select “Update driver,” and follow the on-screen instructions.
  8. Additional Troubleshooting Tips Using Command Prompt: Command Prompt provides additional tools to optimize PC performance. Use the “tasklist” command to view running processes and “taskkill” to terminate unwanted processes. The “netsh” command can reset network configurations, while the “dism” command turns Windows features on or off.

Top 10 Best Command Prompts to Fix Slow PC Issues

1. CHKDSK: A Life Saver for Disk Issues

Disk errors often slow down your computer and can lead to a snail-paced performance. Fortunately, the CHKDSK command is here to rescue you. This tool scans your hard drive for errors, fixes them and improves your computer’s overall speed and stability. A slow computer can be fixed with this simple command prompt. You just need to open the Command Prompt from the Start menu, type “chkdsk /f,” and let it work its magic. Don’t forget to restart your computer when it’s done!

2. SFC /SCANNOW: Repairing System Files

Slowdowns can also be caused by corrupted or missing system files. The “SFC /SCANNOW” command is your go-to solution for this issue. It scans and repairs damaged system files to bring your PC back to life. Just open Command Prompt as an administrator and type “sfc /scannow.” Once the process is complete, it will probably fix your slowed-down computer with the help of this simple yet effective command prompt.

3. DISM: Deployment Image Service and Management Tool

If you’re facing issues with your Windows image, the DISM command is your knight in shining armour. It repairs the Windows image and fixes any problems that might be causing your computer to slow down. Simply type “DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth.” in the command prompt. Your PC will be happy dancing after it!

4. NETSH INT IP RESET: Internet Connection Woes

A slow computer might not always be about its internal components; your internet connection can also be the culprit. If you’re experiencing slow internet speeds, the “NETSH INT IP RESET” command can help. This command resets your TCP/IP settings, often resolving connectivity issues. To use it, type “netsh int ip reset.” as your command prompt to fix this slow internet connectivity issue on your computer. After a restart, your internet should be faster and more stable.

5. POWERCFG: Managing Power Settings

In many cases, your computer might be running slow due to power settings that prioritise energy saving over performance. The “POWERCFG” command allows you to optimise your power settings. You can choose high-performance settings with the help of this command prompt to ensure your computer gives its best performance. Simply open Command Prompt and type “powercfg /setactive scheme.”

6. TASKLIST and TASKKILL: Taming Resource-Hogging Processes

One common reason for a slow computer is resource-hogging processes running in the background. The “TASKLIST” command shows you a list of running operations, and “TASKKILL” lets you remove those you don’t need. This helps free up system resources and can lead to a significant speed boost. Just open Command Prompt on your slowed-down computer and type “tasklist” to see a list of processes. Identify the culprits and use “taskkill” to stop them.

7. MSCONFIG: Streamlining Startup Programs

When your computer starts up, it loads various programs in the background, which can slow it down. The “MSCONFIG” command lets you manage these startup programs. Simply type “msconfig” in the Run dialogue, navigate to the “Startup” tab, and uncheck unnecessary programs. This reduces the number of apps that automatically launch when you start your computer. It is also one of the best command prompts that you can use to fix your slowed-down computer.

8. IPCONFIG /FLUSHDNS: Refreshing DNS Settings

Internet connectivity issues and slow browsing can sometimes be attributed to outdated DNS cache. The “IPCONFIG /FLUSHDNS” command is your remedy. Open Command Prompt and type “ipconfig /flushdns” to refresh and clear the DNS resolver cache. This simple yet effective command prompt can enhance your internet experience by ensuring your computer fetches the latest DNS information.

9. GPUPDATE /FORCE: Updating Group Policy Settings

Outdated or misconfigured group policy settings can contribute to a sluggish system. The “GPUPDATE /FORCE” command ensures your computer pulls the latest group policy settings from the server, potentially resolving performance issues. Launch Command Prompt with administrative privileges and input “gpupdate /force” to initiate the update process and breathe new life into your PC.

10. CLEANMGR: Cleaning Up Unnecessary Files

Over time, your computer accumulates unnecessary files that can hamper performance. The “CLEANMGR” command is your cleanup companion. Open the Command Prompt and type “cleanmgr” to launch the Disk Cleanup utility. This tool identifies and lets you remove unnecessary files, reclaiming valuable disk space and potentially boosting your computer’s speed.

Reference of command prompts: 

Professional Assistance: When to Seek Help from Tech Zones

Bringing your computer to our Tech Zones offers a reliable solution when you encounter complex or persistent issues that go beyond the capabilities of Command Prompt. Our team of skilled technicians specializes in diagnosing and resolving various computer problems. When you entrust your computer to us, you can expect professional assistance backed by expertise and experience.

At Tech Zones, we provide a thorough evaluation of your computer, utilizing advanced diagnostic tools and equipment to pinpoint the root cause of the problem. Our technicians will then offer a detailed explanation of the issue and propose the most effective solution. Whether you require hardware repairs, software troubleshooting, system upgrades, or data recovery, Tech Zones is equipped to handle various computer-related challenges promptly and efficiently. With a focus on customer satisfaction, we aim to deliver exceptional service, ensuring that your computer receives the expert computer repairs it deserves and is returned to you in optimal working condition.


Following this step-by-step guide, you can effectively troubleshoot and fix a slow PC using Command Prompt. This powerful tool enables you to diagnose and address issues related to system files, startup programs, disk errors, and drivers. Regularly maintaining and utilizing Command Prompt for PC optimization will ensure a smoother and more efficient computing experience. Don’t let a slow PC hold you back; take control and unleash its full potential with Command Prompt.

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