How To Reduce Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry Process’ High CPU Usage

Before we embark on our quest on how to reduce the Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry Process’s high CPU Usage, let’s shed some light on what Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry does. It’s a built-in Windows feature designed to collect and send usage and performance data to Microsoft. While the intention is to enhance user experience by identifying compatibility issues, the process can sometimes go into overdrive, hogging your CPU’s resources. If you find yourself struggling with such issues and need assistance, consider seeking a computer repair service. To curb Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry’s CPU usage, disable it through the Group Policy Editor or Registry Editor. You can also use Task Scheduler to limit its activity and update Windows regularly for optimal performance.

Tips To Reduce Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry Process’ High CPU Usage

Here is how to reduce the Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry Process’s high CPU Usage:

1. Utilize the Registry Editor

For those comfortable diving into the registry, this method offers another pathway to subdue Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry:

  • Press Win + R to open the Run dialog.
  • Type “regedit” and press Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection.
  • If you don’t find the “DataCollection” folder, right-click on “Windows” and select “New -> Key.” Name it “DataCollection.”
  • Inside the “DataCollection” folder, right-click and create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value named “AllowTelemetry.”
  • Set its value to “0” and restart your computer.

This registry tweak adjusts the telemetry settings and could be the key to restoring your CPU’s peace of mind.

2. Use Task Scheduler to Disable Compatibility Telemetry

Another approach involves Task Scheduler, allowing you to schedule the termination of the telemetry process:

  • Press Win + S to open the Search bar, type “Task Scheduler,” and hit Enter.
  • In the left pane, navigate to Task Scheduler Library -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Application Experience.
  • Locate the “Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser” task, right-click it, and select “Disable.”
  • Restart your computer to apply the changes.

This method prevents the telemetry process from running regularly, potentially reducing its CPU impact.

3. Limit Telemetry Data with Metered Connection

If you’re using a Wi-Fi connection, setting it as a metered connection can help minimize telemetry data:

  • Open Settings and go to Network & Internet -> Wi-Fi.
  • Click on your connected Wi-Fi network.
  • Toggle on the switch for “Set as metered connection.”

This prompts Windows to limit background data usage, which includes telemetry.

4. Update Windows and Drivers

Keeping your operating system and drivers up to date is crucial. Microsoft regularly releases updates that might address compatibility telemetry issues. Ensure Windows Update is enabled, and visit your device manager to check for driver updates. If you notice your hard drive to be so loud, it could be a sign of potential issues, and addressing this promptly is essential. You can also visit us at Tech Zones to get your drivers and Windows updated, ensuring your system runs smoothly and addressing any unusual noises from your hard drive.

How do I turn off Microsoft Compatibility telemetry high CPU?

To alleviate high CPU usage from Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry, consider disabling it via the Group Policy Editor or Registry Editor. Adjust telemetry settings to ease the strain on your CPU.

Is it OK to disable Microsoft Compatibility telemetry?

Yes, it’s generally safe to disable Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry if you’re experiencing performance issues. Disabling won’t impact the essential functions of your operating system.

Why is Microsoft Compatibility telemetry using the high disk?

High disk usage by Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry may be due to extensive data collection. To address this, consider adjusting telemetry settings or using methods like Task Scheduler to limit its activity


Taming the Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry process and its voracious appetite for CPU usage is indeed achievable. Whether you choose to wield the power of Group Policy Editor, Registry Editor, Task Scheduler, or opt for a metered connection, these steps on how to reduce the Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry process’ high CPU usage should help you restore balance to your PC’s performance. Remember, keeping your system updated is paramount, ensuring a smooth and efficient computing experience. So, unleash these tricks, reclaim your CPU’s resources, and let Tech Zones be your ally in navigating the intricate world of Windows optimization. Happy computing!

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