How To Speed Up Windows 10 With Command Prompt

Is your Windows 10 feeling sluggish lately? Don’t fret; you can rev up your PC’s performance without a costly upgrade. In this guide, we’ll explore how to harness the power of Command Prompt to optimize Windows 10, breathing new life into your system. Our Computer Repair experts at Tech Zones are here to help you navigate this digital transformation journey.

Here’s what you can do:

  • To speed up Windows 10 using Command Prompt, you can optimize startup programs by accessing the System Configuration Utility with the “msconfig” command. 
  • Disabling hibernation with “powercfg -h off” can also help. 
  • To clean up your system, run the “cleanmgr” command for Disk Cleanup and perform an “sfc /scannow” scan to fix corrupted files. 

These steps can significantly boost your Windows 10 speed. Let’s explore them in detail in this blog.

Guide To Speed up Windows 10 With Command Prompt

Speed Up Boot Time

  • Optimize Startup Programs: Command Prompt can help you manage which programs run at startup. Type “msconfig” and press Enter to access the System Configuration Utility. In the “Startup” tab, uncheck unnecessary applications to shorten boot time.
  • Enable Fast Startup: Run the command “powercfg -h off” to disable hibernation. It saves disk space and speeds up the boot. If you ever need to enable hibernation again, type “powercfg -h on.”

Cleaning and Maintenance

  • Disk Cleanup: Run the “cleanmgr” command to open the Disk Cleanup tool. Select your drive and clean up system files like temporary files and previous Windows installations.
  • SFC Scan: If your Windows 10 feels glitchy, run “sfc /scannow” to perform a System File Checker scan. It can automatically fix corrupted system files.

Enhance System Performance

  • Windows Features: Open Command Prompt as an administrator and enter “sysdm.cpl.” In the System Properties window, go to the Advanced tab and click on Settings under Performance. Here, you can choose the best performance settings for your PC.
  • Visual Effects: If you prefer a balance between performance and aesthetics, Tech Zones recommends using the “Adjust for best appearance” option in the above window. This enhances performance by disabling some visual effects.

Windows Updates

  • Forcing Updates: Sometimes, Windows updates can slow down your system, especially when they get stuck. To reset updates, run “net stop wuauserv” and “net stop bits” in Command Prompt. After this, go to the SoftwareDistribution folder (usually found in C:\Windows) and rename it to SoftwareDistribution.old. Then, restart the update services by running “net start wuauserv” and “net start bits.”
  • Pause Updates: For those wanting more control, use the “netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=disabled” command to stop Windows from downloading updates in the background. Just remember to re-enable it when you’re ready for updates.

Privacy Matters

Windows 10 collects data to enhance user experience. But if privacy is a concern, you can limit data collection:

  • Disable Telemetry: To limit data collection, open Command Prompt and run “sc delete DiagTrack” and “sc delete dmwappushservice.”
  • Cortana Control: If Cortana isn’t your digital assistant of choice, you can disable it in the “Cortana & Search settings.”

Seek Expert Guidance

While Command Prompt offers powerful tools, using them incorrectly can lead to system instability. We at Tech Zones can help ensure that your Windows 10 PC remains at its peak performance without unnecessary risks. Explore the Best Command Prompts to Fix Slow Computers to effectively troubleshoot and enhance your computer’s speed and reliability.

In Summary:

Now you have the keys to turbocharge your Windows 10 performance with Command Prompt. From streamlining startup programs to fine-tuning visual effects, you can make your PC feel brand new. If you ever find yourself uncertain about these technical steps, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for professional repair services.

We are your trusted partner for optimizing Windows 10. Happy computing!

For more information, refer to the FAQ section below:

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I speed up my computer using CMD?

You can speed up your computer using CMD by disabling unnecessary startup programs with “msconfig,” defragmenting drives using “defrag,” and running the “sfc /scannow” command to fix system file issues.

 How to speed up RAM using CMD?

You can’t directly speed up RAM using CMD. RAM is a hardware component, but you can optimize its usage by closing unused applications and managing background processes efficiently.

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